The pharmaceutical division of Kairali Group has been strengthening the ancient tradition of Ayurveda through continuous Research and Development (R&D) to suit modern life style. First started in 1948 by late K.S. Vasudevan, it has been carried forward by the next generation with continuous improvements within its manufacturing structure and quality. Today, Kairali has diversified into three separate units which currently manufacture an array of products such as Classical Medicines, Patent Medicines & Herbal Products at at its GMP Certified units.
Kairali manufactures patent medicines such as Lipidex, Durance, Duravin Forte, Mulberine, Spalive, Spazyme, Spacol & Sparub which are prescribed by the physician according to the ailments of the patients.
Kairali manufacture Classical Ayurvedic Oils such as Neelibhrumgadi Tailam, Kottamchukadi Tailam etc. & Ayurvedic Gulika's such as Manasamitram Vatikam, Gorochanadi Gulika, Maha Dhanwantharam Gulika etc.
Kairali manufactures patent Herbal Oils such as Kaircin, Karishma, Khayya, Kairkare, Kairoil, Kairtis etc., Cosmetic Products such as Herbal Shampoo's & Soaps and Herbal Tea.
The Ayurvedic curative approaches to well being and a healthy body constitution.